Regex - Blog of Kasra Darvish
This is me

Kasra Darvish

I write to exist beyond time!

[Kasra Darvish]

1-Minute Read


Use this website interactively to learn. Use this website to generate regular expressions

Exclude something

Use [^something] to exclude some patterns.

Include something

Similar to excluding but [something].

Include one or another



  1. * 0 or more of something
  2. + 1 or more of something

Some Characters

  1. . Everything except new line.

in or der to search for [](.org) you need to write \[\[.*\]\]. Let’s say you want to keep the content between the brackets. Then you need to use capture groups and instead you add a pair of parantheses which acts as a group and then you can reference to it. \[\[(.*)\]\] Then you can reference to it by $1. $0 is the whole pattern you searched for. So if you replace your search with $0 it basically doesn’t change anything.


You want to convert [anything]( to [anything]( you can simply search for \[\[([^\]]*)\]\] and then replace it by [$1]($ since you only have 1 capture group.

We have to exlude bracket characters by [^\]]* which means everything except ], [ can be repeated unlimited in the group 1 to avoid selecting something lik [anv]( blah blah [bcd]( \[\[([^\]]*)\]\]

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I'm a Ph.D. student interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and intelligence in its abstract form