Blogging - Blog of Kasra Darvish
This is me

Kasra Darvish

I write to exist beyond time!

[Kasra Darvish]

1-Minute Read



Edit files in BuildBlog folder. Do the following in terminal

    cd BuildBlog
    export PATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin:$PATH
    JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build

Then copy the \_site contents to blog folder in your github repo.

You should do this every time you add a new post.


Create the website (Once)

hugo new site blog_name
cd blog_name

Add a new post

hugo new posts/

Publish The Blog

hugo server -D # To see it live
hugo -D # To build the website

Output will be in ./public/ directory by default (-d/–destination flag to change it, or set publishdir in the config file). Copy the output to github.



Users are more likely to scroll all the way down than to click on the next page button since it requires another loading time and changing the method of using keyboard/mouse. Therefore, it’s better to have all of your posts in one page, and load them incrementally.


Use a comic like font such as the font of this blog

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I'm a Ph.D. student interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and intelligence in its abstract form